Green Dragon Land Portal #12679
H: 36″ W: 32″ | CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING
Acrylic on Canvas
This large painting is an important work from Lark’s Portal Series and was exhibited in her solo show “Portals” in Art2Art gallery and also during the West Hollywood Festival of European Culture in Southern California.
So-called “portals” are a visually and symbolically significant theme in Lark’s works. Before creating them, she centers herself in a state of meditation she refers to as “no mind.” She then paints with an “active hand” with textured and exuberant strokes that energize and impart movement to her and her work.
This process often produces unintentional, recognizable images that Lark does not plan to create. In this painting, after a green dragon spontaneously appeared on the canvas, she called it the Green Dragon Land Portal. Fanciful and vivacious, the painting celebrates her fascination with childlike innocence and joy and her wish to perpetuate and share such delightful things with the world.