
Demons are central to Buddhism, Animism, Hinduism as well as other religions, folk tales, and beliefs. In Buddhism, they are usually viewed as forces and spirits that must be recognized, appeased or satisfied with prayers and/or offerings to keep at bay, ask for help and sometimes be confronted by the living. Existential or permanent “demons” do not exist; instead, there are beings in lower realms (demons, animals, and ghosts) who may remain in the lower reams or improve their karma by attaining a higher birth in human and divine realms. There is no concept of absolute good or “evil” in Buddhism because all things are interdependent and impermanent, always in a state of flux and transformation. Demons are not demons forever, but while in the lower realms they must “hold up” the beings of the highest realms reminding us people may continuously alter themselves from demon to higher realms and back again in their evolutionary transition toward enlightenment. Although we may be or have troublesome forces we must address individually, demonic creatures have no harmful role. They are not entities; rather, they are obstacles – greed, aversion, and ignorance – that all of us must respect, control, and overcome through good deeds and thoughts, meditation, participation in rituals, and offerings of appeasement. Artistic renderings and Buddhist texts of demons in the realms of hell serve as a warning for us to be more diligent in our spiritual efforts, thoughts, and actions and by following the precepts of the Noble Eightfold Path.

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  • Antique Guanyin Held Up by Demons, China #16208VRKE


    Carved wood Guanyin images were enormously popular in China’s provincial regions created by local artisans who did not follow proscribed court artistic rules or iconography and integrated elements from Buddhist, Taoist and Popular Folk Religion traditions into a syncretic blend  as one of the Great Chinese Goddesses (Irwin). She sits on a raised lotus rising…

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