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Ht: 27.5” W:13.5: D: 10.25” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING QUOTE OR EMAIL US AT [email protected]
This antique carving is a magnificent example of fine provincial Buddhist statues made by local artisans. This serene exquisitely carved Guanyin sits on a detached pedestal base in meditation. Made to be seen in the round, she wears a traditional three part garment with delicate incised leaves and leaf motifs on the front, back, and sleeves. Her gentle, sweet face is soft and has a peaceful and calming half smile. Her high pointed crown depicts the Five Tantric Dhyani Buddhas, which which are rarely seen in provincial Guanyin images.

Carved wood Guanyin images were enormously popular in China’s provincial regions created by local artisans who did not follow proscribed court artistic rules or iconography and integrated elements from Buddhist, Taoist and Popular Folk Religion traditions into a syncretic blend as one of the Great Chinese Goddesses (Irwin). She sits on a raised lotus rising…

H: 14.5” W: 5.5” D: 4.25” | FREE SHIPPING within continental u.s.!
Guanyin’s elegance, compassion and serenity are emphasized in this graceful antique provincial carving. Portrayed in meditation with flowing robes on a majestic three-tiered lotus throne she was designed for personal veneration in a home setting.

Ht: 10.5” W: 5.5” D: 4” | FREE SHIPPING in continental u.s.!
Guanyin is portrayed in this gilt and lacquer carving seated on a lotus with her hands in the lap in meditation mudra atop a decorative footed stand in elegantly draped robes. In this regal form, she wears a 5-lobe crown with a cross hatch design in the center while her hair rests atop her head in a bun encircled within the crown.

H: 8.25″ W: 4.5″ D: 3″ | FREE SHIPPING within continental u.s.!
The delicately carved antique Guanyin sits in dhyana (meditation) her head bent in serene peacefulness. The unusually large back cavity indicates it was consecrated by a Buddhist monk in an eye-opening ceremony and placed on a home altar. Masterful yet simple, this provincial image brings quiet energy to its surroundings and imparts a sense of serenity and peace.

H: 15.5″ W: 6″ D: 5.25″ | for shipping information CALL us at 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL VANISHINGARTS213@GMAIL/COM
In this elegant and vibrant carving Guanyin sits in meditation. her beautiful, serene face elegantly carved in contemplation withbud-shaped lips softly set in a welcoming and benign sweet smile wearing a five-lobed crown. She sits on an open lotus with a vertical post at her sides; her sacred vial on her right and a parrot on the left. Antique carved i Guanyin statues with her symbols in this condition are quite wonderful and rare and impart a feeling of serenity to the environment around them.

H: 25.5” W: 9.75” D: 5” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING quote or email [email protected]
This elegant Jambupati Buddha is seated in lavish gilt court attire in Earth Witnessing mudra, one hand in his lap and one reaching over to touch the earth. Dazzling gilt covers his body, elaborate crown with butterfly flanges and his kingly garment that is “bejeweled” with multi- colored cut glass inset pieces. His multi-tiered throne emphasizes his royal status. He looks directly at onlookers with confidence and a slight smile to emphasize his spiritual and material power.

Early Chinese Mahayana images portrayed Lohans as followers of the Buddha, living in the human world in human forms .Through their spirituality and asceticism they achieved enlightenment and were no longer subject to rebirths but choose to not enter nirvana and remain as guardians to preserve Buddhist teachings, protect the Buddhist faith and lead others…

This Nanhai Guanyin sits in her cave home on the island of Putuo represented by pierced openwork, craggy surfaces and open area at the cave top. Guanyin’s image almost fills the cave’s opening seated in dhyana (meditation), thumbs forming a triangle symbolizing the triratna, the Three Gems of Buddhism (the Buddha, the Dharma (Buddha’s teachings)…

Nanhai-Guanyin seated in meditation (dhyana mudra) in her Tidal Cave on Putuo is one of the most popular Mahayana Pure Land Guanyin images, especially during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and strongly reflects the Chinese syncretic blending of religious beliefs. Provincial craftsmen portrayed her in to reflect local beliefs, lifestyles and customs that resonated with…

H: 19″ W: 10″ D: 8″ | CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] for shipping INFORMATION.
This wonderfully carved Nanhai Guanyin statue is notable for its highly ornate and beautiful diadem centered by an elaborately framed image of Buddha Amitabha seated in meditation. Her vibrant aura radiates spirituality and opulence, serenity and strength, as well as compassion and grace, making this statue a truly masterful piece of art.

$595.00 Original price was: $595.00.$495.00Current price is: $495.00.
H: 8.675″ Dia: 4.5″ | Free SHIPPING IN CONTINENTAL U.S.!
This delicate small Mahayana Buddhist carving of seated White Robed Guanyin in meditation sits in meditation on a radiating lotus throne symbolizing her enlightenment, rebirth and purity. As a Popular Religion figure, she is humble, modest, relatable, accessible, yet a beautiful matronly figure. This beautiful figurine was placed on a home altar with other spiritual statues and house gods. Mounted on a frosted acrylic base.
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