Guandi lived during the latter part of the Han Dynasty and is the best known and most revered Chinese military historical hero. He was canonized in 1504 as Guan Di, the Taoist God of War and China’s Protector. According to Keith Stevens, he is “all things to all men, not only prayed to for protection…
Guandi lived during the latter Han Dynasty and is one of China’s best known Taoist-Deities and its most revered military and historical hero canonized in 1504 as Guan Di, the Taoist God of War and Protector of China. According to Keith Stevens, he is “all things to all men, not only prayed to for protection…
While major deities such as Guandi were officially sanctioned by government and religious authorities, many popular deities and historic figures were integrated into Popular Religion beliefs where they were assimilated and greatly modified with local traditions and iconographic depictions such as this. We assume this is Guandi, one of the most revered Chinese deities based…
The end of Guandi’s name (di) is significant, as Chinese names ending with di refer to an imperial cult and their canonized status. A military general late in the Han dynasty who died in 220AD, he was deified during the MIng in 1594 and was declared The God of War and Justice and Protector of…
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