
Two or more words with the same or similar pronunciation but varying meanings, origins, or spelling, i.e. new and knew. In China homophones are often visual puns, for example many seeds in a lotus pod symbolizes fecundity and a future with many sons, ribbons around necks of porcelain cat teapots reinforce the imagery of the teapot as a wish for a long life and vases symbolize the realization of all one’s wishes.

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  • Vintage Male Doll Holding a Peach, China (1301A-EAO)


    This vintage wood and cloth doll representing male attendants from China carries a peach, among the most popular Chinese auspicious symbols representing longevity. He is presented as a Chinese- opera figure with his costume decorated with 5-petal plum blossoms also symbolizing longevity and its 5 petals evoking a wish for the Five-Blessings-or-Happinesses. In many cultures,…

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