
Two or more words with the same or similar pronunciation but varying meanings, origins, or spelling, i.e. new and knew. In China homophones are often visual puns, for example many seeds in a lotus pod symbolizes fecundity and a future with many sons, ribbons around necks of porcelain cat teapots reinforce the imagery of the teapot as a wish for a long life and vases symbolize the realization of all one’s wishes.

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  • Sale!

    Vintage Male Doll Holding a Peach, China #1301A-EAO

    Original price was: $195.00.Current price is: $135.00.
    H: 9.25″ W: 3.125″ D: 3″ | Free SHipping within continental u.s.!

    Originally mounted on the wood stick between his legs and now inserted to its acrylic stand, this vintage male doll is an attendant offering a huge peach. His large oval head is almost bald and his black hair remains only in a small patches on the sides of his head. He wears a typical colorful folk-art Chinese dance costume: bright red shoes, yellow pants, a greenish-blue coat with florals, a high sequined yellow belt,  and a wide blue sash outlined with silver and gold thread and colored 5-petal silver sequin plum blossoms hanging down to the base evoking a wish for the Five Blessings or Happinesses. It is in very good condition with expected wear and minor paint losses and charming spotting on the face.

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