
Putuo also known as Putuoshan or Mount Putuo, renowned for its beauty, spirituality, and natural wonders, is one of four Chinese Buddhist Mountains, each presided over by a major Buddha or Bodhisattva. It is Guanyin’s sacred mountain and her Bodhimanda, a Pali word meaning “place of enlightenment.” In the Sung Dynasty Putuo became the Guanyin’s residence in Mahayana Buddhism and by the Ming dynasty, it became the center for Guanyin worship that resulted in a new authorized manifestation of Guanyin called Nanhai Guanyin. Many carvings represent Guanyin in her cave on Mount Putuo where she spend nine years performing acts of merit, attained Buddhahood and acquired her two acolytes Shen-tsai and Lung-nu. Putuo was also considered a Sacred Taoist Mountain revered for more than 2000 years as one of the places where the Taoist pill of immortality was created.

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