
The Ramayana (the way, path or journey of Rama) is the massive sacred 5th century BCE Indian Hindu 24,000 verse epic, one of the largest ancient epics in existence and considered the Adi-kavya (first poem). Attributed to the poet Valmiki, it was written down during the first century A.D., although it is based on oral traditions that go back six or seven centuries earlier. It is a moving love story with moral and spiritual themes that has deep appeal in India to this day. It follows Prince Rama’s journey to rescue his treasured wife Sita from King Ravana who kidnapped her and brought her back to his palace in Lanka. Rama enlists the army of monkeys to aid him in this effort. The Ramayana is an important component of all aspects of Indian, Hindu and Balinese and culture as it is a social and moral code for how Hindus should conduct themselves and follow their spiritual goals and existence. It discusses topics that include the duties one has in relationships: how to be an ideal father, servant, brother, husband or king, contains teachings of Hindu sages and covers critical philosophical, ethical, and allegorical ideas. It is a source for Hindu religious art, theater and dance and the reference for Indonesian mask theater and dance productions. Indonesia was formerly part of the larger Hindu Mahapajit Empire (1293-1527), and Bali remains a Hindu majority. Majapahit bas relief friezes include Ramayana references.

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  • Antique Majapahit Miniature Terracotta Head, Indonesia (1137EHA) $195

    Ht: 2.75”  W: 1.375”  D: 1.125” | FREE SHIPPING!

    This terracotta head was crafted during the Majapahit Empire in Java and was either part of a bas-relief frieze or made as a freestanding figurine. Most figures found are small decapitated heads with no bodies, and it is very rare to find a complete figure with a naturalistic facial expression. As with many heads, this one displays Javanese facial features, hairstyles and ear ornamentation typical of the period. It has a naturalistic facial expression and wears large round coiled earrings, possibly suggesting it represented someone of the upper classes. It is in very good condition given its age and use and is mounted on a metal stand. This item pairs with Majapahit Miniature Terracotta 1138.



  • Sale!

    Antique/Vintage Jetayu Mask, Museum Quality Stand, Bali (1208BEK) SPECIAL PRICE

    Original price was: $650.00.Current price is: $450.00.
    H: 13.75”  W: 6.25”  D: 9” | FOR SHIPPING INFORMATION CONTACT US AT 213-568-3030 or vanishingarts213@gmail.com

    Jetayu is the mythical demi-god divine bird in the Hindu epic the Ramayana. It is a very rare Balinese mask with a fine patina from decades of dance performances. The crowned forehead and snout, huge round eyes, wide-open mouth, curled leather tongue, expressive jaw muscles with upper and lower sets of piercing sharp teeth in graduated sizes reflect the pinnacle of skilled woodcarving and polychrome painting.

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  • Vintage King’s Strong Minister Mask, Bali (1301-18PBE) $125

    Ht: 8.5”  W: 6.51”  D: 4.5″ | FREE SHIPPING!

    This traditional Patih (minister) Keras (hard, strong, forceful) Balinese mask is deeply carved, and his huge red lips symbolize a tough, intense, easy to anger but powerful man in a position of prestige. Exaggerated facial elements of large bulging eyes, a powerful stare, huge, bright red lips and a thick animal hair/hide mustache indicate his internal strength as a trusted minister carrying out his king’s wishes. This mask was personally collected in Bali in the 1970s and is in excellent condition with minor scratches and losses consistent with age.

  • Vintage Mask of a Demon Clown (Topeng Begul), Java (1201ZLE) $165

    H: 12.7”  W: 3.375”  D: 3”| FREE SHIPPING!

    This mask (Topeng Begul) reflects two themes in Javanese mask theater: it is comical, foolish and ludicrous with a silly bulbous clown nose and also a demon with animal teeth, fangs, bulging eyes and a stark black and white design.  “Jatiguwi” is written on the inside of the mask identified by the Javanese merchant who sold it in the 1970s as the clown’s name that we were not able to confirm.

  • Vintage Mask of a King (Topeng Dalem), Bali (1301-2FBE) $105

    H: 8.5 ”    W: 3″    D:  2.5″    | FREE SHIPPING!

    Topeng Dalem is a mask of an idealized, refined and upright model of a historical Hindu King and is usually a white mask, the color of purity. The dance presents actions and gestures validating the traits of a good king: grace, poise, dignity and refinement. This piece is well carved, balanced, in fine proportion and the crown, the triangular third eye and the animal hide and hair eyebrows and mustache are well integrated as is the mask’s pleasant smile. It is in very good condition with a wash applied as a patina to make the mask look older. It was personally collected in Bali in the 1970s.

  • Vintage Mask of a King (Topeng Dalem), Bali (1301-32JBE) $110

    H: 7.375″   W:  5.625″   D: 3 ” | FREE SHIPPING!

    A traditional Balinese mask, this is a refined and idealized model of a Hindu king (dalem) and is usually white, the color of purity. The mask and dance portrays the actions, traits and gestures of a good king having grace, poise, dignity and refinement. Well carved and balanced, it has fine proportions and the crown, animal hide/hair, eyebrows and mustache are well integrated to present a confident king. Personally collected in Bali in the 1970s, it is in very good condition with a wash applied as a patina to make it look older.

  • Vintage Mask of a King, Bali (1301-12EBE) $105

    H: 8.125 ”  W: 6″  D: 3.5 ” | FREE SHIPPING!

    Dalem is an idealized and refined mask (topeng, tapel) of a model Hindu King from Bali and is usually white symbolizing purity. The mask and dance present actions, postures and gestures validating the traits of a good king: grace, poise, dignity and refinement. This piece is well carved, balanced and in fine proportion, and the crown and the animal hide and hair eyebrows and mustache are well integrated in portraying the king’s confidence. It is in very good condition with a wash applied as a the mask to make it look older. It was personally collected in Bali in the 1970s.

    Click here for the blog Indonesian Dance Masks (Topeng): Spiritually Connecting the Community

  • Vintage Mask of a Strong Minister (Topeng Keras), Bali (1301-4FBE) $125

    H: 7.125”  W: 5.875”  D: 3” | FREE SHIPPING!

    This fine, deeply carved and painted Balinese mask is the king’s strong prime minister (patih keras), a position of prestige usually filled by warriors of the second Hindu (ksatrya) caste. The large bulging eyes increase the power of his stare and the outsized thick bright red lips symbolize his intensity. This mask was personally collected in Bali in the 1970s and is in excellent condition with minor hair loss on the eyebrows.

  • Vintage Mask of Minister Kebo Taruna, Bali (1301-11QBE) $125

    H: 7.5”  W: 6”  D: 3.75” | FREE SHIPPING!

    This fine vintage historical ethnic Balinese mask is Kebo Taruna. the powerful Balinese minister (patih) feared by Gaja Mada the brilliant Javanese “Elephant General” who brought the Indonesian Hindu Majapahit Empire to its peak and conquered Bali in 1343. His peculiar half-smile, forceful eyes and angular nose are carved to complement his intense expression, make it look more forceful and add energy to the mask. These features describe the minister’s power and confidence. Finely carved and embellished with animal hide and hair for his mustache and eyebrows, this mask is in excellent condition.

    Click here for the blog Indonesian Dance Masks (Topeng): Spiritually Connecting the Community

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