
In Buddhism, sutras are the scriptures of the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha that were memorized by his disciples and latter recorded in written form in Pali (called suttas) and Sanskrit which are the basic cannons of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. The most significant Theravada suttas are in Tipitaka cannon (“Triple Basket”) with the discourses of the historical Buddha. In Mahayana Buddhism the most famous sutras with important concepts are the Lotus Sutra, Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, Heart Sutra and the Land of Bliss” Sutra. Revered for its beauty, the Lotus Sutra, is in verse and describes how the Buddha became the divine Buddha who attained Enlightenment and taught the Dharma. Chapter 25 – which became its own chapter – focuses on Guanyin “the one who perceives the cries of the world” who protects the world in the time Buddha Shakyamuni’s departure and the appearance of the future Buddha, Maitreya. It describes her 33 manifestations and how she teaches the Dharma to relieve suffering and her miraculous deeds such as granting children to infertile women. As described in the Pure Land Sutras, if upon death a person calls the name of Amitabha with unswerving faith and concentration, Guanyin as the “Bodhisattva Guide of the Souls” will lead him or her to the Western Paradise. She also appears in the Heart Sutras discussing her acolytes Sudhana (Shancai) and Longnü. Lalitavistara Sutra states the significance of the Lotus in Buddhism: “…the spirit of man can be spotless, like the new lotus in the muddy water which does not adhere to it.”

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  • Sale!

    Antique Carving of Guanyin with a Child, China #5301HEM

    Original price was: $2,250.00.Current price is: $1,500.00.
    Ht: 26”  W: 10.25” D: 7.5″ |CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING

    This rare, sensitive and beautifully carved image probably depicts Guanyin the Bodhisattva of Compassion holding a young child’s hand glancing down with compassion and tenderness while he looks up for assurance and protection. This unique provincial Popular Religion carving depicts her as humble, engaging and modestly clad with a serene softness. It is similar to but different from Songzi Guanyin, the “Child-Giving Guanyin” to whom couples pray to become fertile and to bear a son.

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  • Antique Guanyin with Amitabha in Crown, China (16380B-LOK) SPECIAL PRICE

    H: 13.75”  W: 7”  D: 4.5” | FOR SHIPPING INFORMATION CONTACT US AT 213-568-3030 or email [email protected]

    This  delicately detailed Guanyin statue in meditation on a two-tiered backless throne has flowing braids, simple necklace, and voluminous robes indicating her regal status, while her pendulous ears, compassionate downcast eyes, serene contemplative expression, and calm smile symbolize her enlightened status. The image’s distinguishing feature is its deeply carved three-part diadem (crown) centered with a carved Amitabha Buddha on lotus throne surrounded by an aureole.


  • Antique Guanyin with Lobed Crown, China (16151LME) SPECIAL PRICE


    Lee Irvin calls Guanyin one of the Great Chinese Goddesses who are imperially sanctioned and epitomize the feminine role of compassionate protectors who grant health, long life and safety to all regardless of their social position. Each has large temples, monasteries and small local shrines dedicated to them. She in the lotus position (padmasana)  with…

  • Antique Ming Songzi Guanyin, Bestower of Children, China (16057BAK) $1350 SPECIAL PRICE

    H: 11”  W: 5.75”  D: 5.125” | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This very rare and fine 16th century home shrine image displays the benign and compassionate countenance of Songzi Guanyin the “Bestower of Children.”  With round face and joyful half-closed and eyes, she looks lovingly at the child whose arm is draped over hers.and leans slightly forward,  wearing a 5- lobed crown centered with a camellia flower a Chinese symbol of young sons and daughters. The inscription on the back dates the piece to 1521-1567

  • Antique Nanhai Guanyin of the Southern Seas, China (19414BLK) SPECIAL PRICE


    As one of the most popular Mahayana Pure Land images, especially during the Ming and Qing dynasties, this antique Chinese wood carving of Nanhai Guanyin of the Southern Seas is seated on a symbolic craggy rock outcrop below an arch of draped moss (some of which is missing ) at the entrance to the Tidal…

  • Sale!

    Antique Wood Nanhai Guanyin of the South Sea, China #19508BME

    Original price was: $595.00.Current price is: $395.00.
    H: 9.75″ W: 5″ D: 4.5″ | FREE SHIPPING within continental u.s.!

    This enchanting carving depicts Nanhai Guanyin in her Cave on Mount Putuo seated in lalitsana, below a symbolic arch of draped moss with bright pigmentation and considerable gilt. Nanhai Guanyin was massively popular during the Ming/Qing dynasties and provincial wood images were made home altars throughout China. She holds scrolls representing the dharma and sutras, behind her is a vial with the tears of her humanity and parrot, her constant companion. Small Nanhai images with all these symbols in this  condition are very rare.

  • SOLD ! White Hooded Nanhai Guanyin at Putuo Island, China, 18-19th Century (19207BSK) SPECIAL PRICE


    This Nanhai Guanyin (Guanyin of the South Sea) sits in her cave on Putuo  island in the South China Sea with most of her traditional features.  She is portrayed as  White Hooded or Clad Guanyin with her hair in a bun covered with a short hood seated in royal ease (lalitsana)  with her right hand…

  • SOLD! Antique Nanhai Guanyin of the South Sea Holding a Scroll, China (16420LKE) SPECIAL PRICE


    This outstanding delicately antique carving is Nanhai Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, seated on a rocky outcrop covered with a cloth, a reference to her home in a cave on the island of Putuo in the South China Sea. Other than the Buddha, she is the most revered deity in Mahayana Buddhism and one of…

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