Theravada Buddhism

Theravada Buddhism – often called Hinayana Buddhism – and Mahayana Buddhism are the two major forms of Buddhism that share the Buddha’s basic teachings but have a different interpretation of its ideals and practices. Based on the cannon of ancient Indian Buddhism, its scriptures are in Pali and adhere to the original doctrines and practices taught by the Buddha. It traces its lineage to the elders who were the original senior monks who participated in and established the traditions of the first Buddhist sangha, the community of monks. Since Buddha claimed to be just a man and a great teacher, followers must rely exclusively on their own efforts and conduct to achieve Buddhist goals. Devotees, therefore, cannot not expect miraculous help from any deity and only through strenuous religious discipline can one develop into a spiritual being of the highest level. Theravada Buddhism is practiced in Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

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  • Antique Carved Buddha in Freedom from Fear, Laos (3148LKE) $1275

    H: 20”  W: 3.75”  D: 3.75” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING

    This antique Lao Buddha stands in refined dignity displaying inner tranquility and strength, hands in abhaya mudra that connotes reassurance, divine protection, and dispelling fear and signifies Buddha’s spiritual power as he bestows protection from evil and ignorance and conveys “fear not” to devotees.  As typical of Lao Buddhas he is covered in gilt visually reflecting his golden skin and a finial or radiance as a flame emerging from atop his head. His  wet style Buddha robe that is smooth and graceful in its simplicity and adds elegance to the carving while showing his body underneath his clothing.

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  • Antique Carved Jambupati Buddha, Burma/Myanmar (3257VKHO)

    H: 26”  W: 10”  D: 5” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING QUOTE

    This rare, elegant, gilt covered Jambupati Buddha wears regal Burmese court attire with luxuriant jewelry and huge decorative flanges surrounding his multi-layered elaborate faceted crown  topped by an elongated ushnisha. Seated on a high ornate multi-tiered waisted throne in Earth Witnessing position, he looks directly at onlookers with strength and a sweet smile to emphasize his spiritual and material power.

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  • Antique Jeweled Buddha Jambupati, Burma/Myanmar (3286DOSE)

    H: 25.5” W: 9.75” D: 5” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING quote or email [email protected]

    This elegant Jambupati Buddha is seated in lavish gilt court attire in  Earth Witnessing mudra, one hand in his lap and one reaching over to touch the earth. Dazzling gilt covers his body, elaborate crown with butterfly flanges and his kingly garment that is “bejeweled” with  multi- colored cut glass inset  pieces. His multi-tiered throne emphasizes his royal status. He looks directly at onlookers with confidence and a slight smile to emphasize his spiritual and material power.

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  • Antique Wood Gilt Buddha Calling for Rain, Laos (3153PAOK) $1575

    H: 24.5” Dia: 7″ | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING quote or email [email protected]

    Lao carved Buddha statues are renowned for their delicacy and refinement. This elegant antique Buddha is depicted in the “Calling for Rain” mudra found only in Laos with his half-closed gazing downward in meditation, elegant gestures, lyrical flaring robes and graceful curves of the body reflecting the Buddha’s gentleness.  The curvature,  proportions and oversized head indicate the perfection, wisdom and compassion of the “Enlightened One. He stands on a multi-tiered circular and waisted base.  Carved Laotian images as old and elegant as this are rare.

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  • Antique/Vintage Bronze Earth Witnessing Buddha, Burma/Myanmar (3553BLEM) $2575

    H: 22”  W: 17”  D: 11” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING

    This finely and delicately modeled vintage Burmese bronze Buddha Shakyamuni in the Earth Witnessing mudra displays many characteristics typical of the Burmese Mandalay style. His soft youthfully sweet face with slightly smiling lips is framed by a filet headband, snail like hair locks, and almond-shaped eyes are inlaid with glass. Made in the 20th century with the lost wax process in which the mold is destroyed, this piece is a one-of-a-kind exquisite work of art in excellent condition.

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  • Sale!

    Antique/Vintage Hsun Ok Monk’s Offering Vessel, Burma/Myanmar #6220BME

    Original price was: $725.00.Current price is: $495.00.
    H: 26″ Dia: 12.5″|FOR SHIPPING INFORMATION CONTACT US AT 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected]

    This elegant hsun-ok reveals much about the Burmese: their profound belief in Buddhism and commitment to support the monastic life, remarkable woodworking and lacquerware skills and sense of simplistic elegant design and form. This has a simple yet striking silhouette with raised circular layers on a pedestal base and woven vertical bands topped by a tall round finial recalling a Buddhist pagoda or stupa. This graceful piece is a perfect accent for any décor.

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  • Earth Witnessing Bronze Buddha, Thailand (11246BKE) $395

    H: 21”  W: 15.5 ”  D: 9.5” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING

    The beautiful contemporary bronze Buddha is rendered in Thai Lopburi style in Earth Witnessing (bhumisparsha mudra)  wearing a simple two-part Theravada Buddhist monk’s robe that shows his religious devotion. He sits on a highly decorative pierced throne on a three footed curved base. The composition is a double triangle: the three-footed throne itself is a horizontal triangle as it recedes backward in space, and the Buddha and the throne form a vertical triangle.  The heavy statue is filled with a cement binder, and it is in excellent condition.

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  • SOLD Vintage Earth Witnessing Buddha, Laos (3185A- ELO) $295

    H: 9”  W: 4.25  D: 3.125” | FREE SHIPPING

    This mid 20th century Buddha Shakyamuni in Earth Witnessing position is carved in rural Lao style. Covered with gilt, the small rustic and simply carved image follows Lao artistic canons for depicting a Buddha: a curved hairline and high arched eyebrows that meet at the bridge of the nose, distinct hair curls, long ears, and a flame-shaped radiance emerging from his ushnisha. Its very large base is as tall and wide as the image, reflecting Laotian beliefs that a high pedestal reflects a deep respect for the Buddha. A base has been added for display purposes.  Authentic old Lao images, even small personal ones like this, are difficult to find.

  • Vintage Miniature Hsun Ok Offering Vessel, Burma/Myanmar (6219EHC) SPECIAL PRICE


    Made in Pagan this miniature hsun ok demonstrates the remarkable sense of design of Burmese wood carvers. It is crafted in two separate parts and replicates the shape of larger hsun-Ok, which traditionally have covers with spired lids topped by elegant finials that imitate the soaring outline of Burmese stupa finials. This modest piece has circular tiers repeated on the foot and the stupa finial top.

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