Dharma Wheel

The Dharma Wheel (Dharmachakra) is the most important symbol of Buddhism as it is the symbol of the Buddha’s initial sermon teaching Buddhist principles at the Sarnath Deer Park near Varanasi. In Buddhism, teaching and learning Buddhist law is symbolized by “turning the wheel,” first turned at the Deer Park. The dharma wheel has eight spokes with handles to turn the wheel (explain and learn the precepts of Buddhism) and to symbolize the Eightfold Path and the path to enlightenment. Likewise, the wheel, the spokes and the center of the wheel are interconnected literally and symbolically, and three swirls at the center symbolize the Three Jewels of Buddhism (Trirtna): Buddha (teacher and creator of Buddhism), the Dharma (the Buddha’s teachings and Buddhist law) and the sangha (the Buddhist community of monks). This also occurs when a Buddhist deity is in meditation and has hands together forming the base and the thumbs together and up finishing a triangle.

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