
Many Chinese wood images have a hallowed-out cavity on their back which was central to an “eye opening” ceremony held to imbue each carving with its own life force. All Images – Buddhism, Taoist or Popular religion – had to be consecrated by a Taoist Priest, Buddhist Monk or spiritual leaders to be placed on a home altar and to protect all family members and domestic animals. The cavity was filled with ritual objects and may have included documents like favorite Buddhist sutras, Taoist poems or prayers, messages to ancestors, entreaties to deities, or a script by the presiding person describing the figure and when and by whom it was commissioned. The ceremony was attended by the artist, donor, relatives and friends, and other Taoist or Buddhist congregants. The cavity was sealed and eyes were painted to impart sight, the final component of life. Stevens states carvings were “respectfully presented to have its eyes opened before the Gods so that it. would be able to rid their dwelling of evil spirits and bring them blessings.”Most bungs and contents have been removed; we believe unopened ones should remain in difference to the spiritual traditional and history they represent.

Showing 1–12 of 62 results

  • Sale!

    Antique Ancestor Official in Ornate Robe with Raised Lacquer Designs #5686BREM

    Original price was: $4,950.00.Current price is: $4,200.00.
    H: 23.5″  W: 15.625″  D: 10″ |CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING COST

    This exceptional Qing carving portrays a seated official ancestor wearing traditional official’s attire, a red and black official’s hat and black boots. His inset glass eyes and high cheekbones frame a large curved nose, a strong projecting chin and forehead wrinkles indicating a man of importance with the wisdom of age who demands respect. The top two robe layers have wide borders with marvelous raised lacquer decorations that include beautiful cloud forms, flying phoenixes with spread wings and floral sprays.

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  • Antique Attendant Sword Bearer to Guandi, God of War, China (16112LSE)


    Guandi lived during the latter part of the Han Dynasty and is the best known and most revered Chinese military historical hero. He was canonized in 1504 as Guan Di, the Taoist God of War and China’s Protector. According to Keith Stevens, he is “all things to all men, not only prayed to for protection…

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  • Antique Attendant with Celestial Scarf, China (16726HKE) $2450


    Attendant figures are usually presented on an altar in pairs flanking revered figure they honor. This lovely carving is an enlightened being indicated by her pendulous ears, an elevated flowing ribbon, and blissful smile. She traditionally carries offerings which might be  food, fruit, medicine, or other unique items. Her extremely pleasing face highlights her modesty as…

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  • Antique Attendant with Marriage Inscription, China (16260ZOK) SPECIAL PRICE


    This sweet diminutive  antique-Chinese-wood-carving of an enlightened Buddhist attendant on a double lotus base that was commissioned by the proud father to celebrate and bless a marriage as indicated by the inscription on the rear 陈门李氏双全 that indicates that it belonged to the Lee family. Although its meaning is not entirely clear, it appears to…

  • Antique Attendant with Offering, China (16424A-BLE) SPECIAL PRICE

    H: 15.5″. W: 5.5″. D: 4.24″  | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    Attendants like this often accompanied Taoist figures on home altars, along with other deities and spiritual images. They frequently presented offerings to them which, when tied with ribbons, symbolized “ longevity for generations”. This 18-19th century carving may have accompanied a significant deity as the statue was covered in gilt and lacquer, some which has  naturally darkened from age and from years of incense, age and use.

  • Sale!

    Antique Carved Kitchen God and His Wife, China #16840BME

    Original price was: $850.00.Current price is: $650.00.
    H: 7.5″ W: 2.875″ D: 2″ | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This pair is VA’s most unique and finely crafted Kitchen God couple. Wearing beautifully carved robes, clasping Hu tablets, they have  approachable features and subtly smiling lips. The painted character on the base of each is a wish for “happiness.” These exceptional consecrated and rare pieces are in excellent condition with a fine patina. Kitchen Gods radiate warmth, especially when placed near the stove and are unique house warming or wedding gifts and add positive chi and enhance feng-shui in any home.

  • Antique Carved Wood Taoist Priest, China (16157ERK) $350


    Taoist images were represented as scholars, sages, heroes, officials and priests. Taken out of context, it is almost impossible to specifically identify individual images but given certain features and symbols: air of solemnity and importance, static pose, officials attire with round collar, and elaborate hat, this is is probably a Taoist official. Seated on a…

  • Sale!

    Antique Carving of Guanyin with a Child, China #5301HEM

    Original price was: $2,250.00.Current price is: $1,500.00.
    Ht: 26”  W: 10.25” D: 7.5″ |CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING

    This rare, sensitive and beautifully carved image probably depicts Guanyin the Bodhisattva of Compassion holding a young child’s hand glancing down with compassion and tenderness while he looks up for assurance and protection. This unique provincial Popular Religion carving depicts her as humble, engaging and modestly clad with a serene softness. It is similar to but different from Songzi Guanyin, the “Child-Giving Guanyin” to whom couples pray to become fertile and to bear a son.

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  • Sale!

    Antique Civilian Official Ancestor Figure, China #16848BEM

    Original price was: $395.00.Current price is: $275.00.
    H: 13.75″ W: 5.25″ D: 4″ | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This ancestor figure, carved in boxwood the preferred wood softwood during the Qing Dynasty, is portrayed in the characteristic pose of a Chinese civilian official, grasping his official’s belt with his right hand to demonstrate his important stature – which was really not so important for this gentleman, given his humble seating furniture and his modest attire. His right hand rests on the his knee as he sits erect on a thick low-back pedestal. Unlike many officials who are serious, this one is more approachable, with simple deeply carved smiling features, high arching brows and a black painted mustache and beard.

  • Antique Female Attendant with Offerings, China (19035BKE) SPECIAL PRICE


    Statues of attendants often appear as a pair looking inward and flanking a deity, unless they are very important ones and look straight ahead. They may carry a range of offerings. This antique Chinese woodcarving appears to be a Taoist image likely placed on a home altar along with deities, house gods and ancestors to…

  • Sale!

    Antique Guanyin Held Up by Demons, China #16208VRKE

    Original price was: $5,200.00.Current price is: $4,000.00.
    H: 45″ W 17.75″ D: 11.5″ | CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING

    Buddhist statues like this Guanyin held up by 4 grotesque creatures in the realms of hell warn us to be more diligent in our spiritual efforts and actions. Demons do not remain demons forever and remind us that people, like demons, can change in their constant transition toward enlightenment. Not harmful, demons are just obstacles – greed, aversion, and ignorance – that we must respect and overcome through good deeds and thoughts,

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  • Antique Guanyin in Meditation on a Tiered Lotus Throne #16959WRK

    H: 9.5″   W: 4.25″    D: 3.3″  |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    Guanyin sits on an elaborate lotus throne held up by 9 lotuses, 8 with long stem and 1 with flat leaves. Only enlightened beings sit on a lotus, the Buddhist symbol of purity and the potential for all beings to achieve enlightenment and a 5-lobed crown reflecting her stature as Buddhist royalty,

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