
Syncretism, the creation of new ideas and traditions by fusing elements from multiple and distinct sources, generally applies to religion, cultures and schools of thought. By their nature, Asian religious traditions and philosophies particularly Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and other minor religions are syncretic (blended) as they are inherently integrative and inclusive absorbing tenets of other religions. In China this concept is exemplified at the highest level with the four traditions of Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Popular Religion blending so harmoniously and seamlessly that many scholars view them as components of one dynamic religious system with each one providing a significant and complementary role. As Edmond Eh states, Daoism reflects the Dao (道), “natural creative power,” Confucianism reflects de (德), “virtue” or “power” and Buddhism reflects wu (悟), “awakening” or “realization.” The three together along with folk beliefs are absorbed in Popular Religion. This syncretic blending is exemplified in the placement of images of all traditions on home shrines, shared celebrations and festivals and the use of Buddhist monks and Taoist priests simultaneously for rituals and ceremonies. Guanyin is an excellent example of a syncretic deity.


Edmond Eh, “Chinese Religious Syncretism in Macau”, Orientis Aura: Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies, 2:63-80 (2017)

Showing 1–12 of 38 results

  • Sale!

    Antique Carved Kitchen God and His Wife, China #16840BME

    Original price was: $850.00.Current price is: $650.00.
    H: 7.5″ W: 2.875″ D: 2″ | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This pair is VA’s most unique and finely crafted Kitchen God couple. Wearing beautifully carved robes, clasping Hu tablets, they have  approachable features and subtly smiling lips. The painted character on the base of each is a wish for “happiness.” These exceptional consecrated and rare pieces are in excellent condition with a fine patina. Kitchen Gods radiate warmth, especially when placed near the stove and are unique house warming or wedding gifts and add positive chi and enhance feng-shui in any home.

  • Antique Carved Mazu, Protector of the Sea, China (19415PRO) $275


    This small antique-Chinese-wood-carving represents Mazu, which translates as “Mother Ancestor,” the tutelary deity “Protector of the Sea” who protects seafarers and is very popular among Taiwanese, Fujianese, and Cantonese sea cultures. This syncretic cult figure is the most imortant ofthe female Taoist-Deities and continues to be worshipped by Taoist, Buddhist and Popular Religion followers. In…

  • Antique Earth God Tudi Gong, China (16332BOK) $775


    Tudi Gong is the Chinese Earth or Land God referred to by many names and often fondly referred to by commoners as “Grandpa.” He is a syncretic deity and tutelary deity, responsible for administrating and protecting the affairs of small towns and villages, especially issues concerning agriculture or wealth, and is believed to control the…

  • Antique Elegant Queen Mother of the West, China (16096JASK) $1550


    The Queen Mother of the West (Xiwangmu) is one of the most significant female Taoist-deities and one of the Great Chinese Goddesses with a huge syncretic cult following within Taoism, Popular Folk Religion and Buddhism. With immeasurable powers she controls life and creation, death and destruction and the ability to determine every living being’s lifespan….

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  • Sale!

    Antique Guanyin, Amitabha in Crown #16837HEM

    Original price was: $1,495.00.Current price is: $1,330.00.
    H: 33.5″ W: 33″  D: 10″ |  call  213-568-3030 or email [email protected] for shipping

    Statues like this vibrant Guanyin, especially popular during the Qing dynasty, epitomizes the best of folk art spiritual traditions of provincial artisans who replaced imperial constructs with provincial depictions that combined Buddhist, Taoist and Popular Religion traditions. Her high crown is centered with Amitabha Buddha surrounded by swirling florals, the indented urna (third eye) on her forehead would have held a cut glass. Humble, charming and approachable portrayals of Guanyin like this were placed in homes and small community temples.

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  • Sale!

    Antique Heavenly Taoist Empress Mazu, China #5677JACK

    Original price was: $1,750.00.Current price is: $1,300.00.
    H: 21” W: 11.5” D: 8” | FOR SHIPPING call  213-568-3030 or email [email protected]

    This vibrant image represents the “Heavenly Empress” Mazu wearing a red-tiered outer robe topped with a black scalloped collar bordered with gold and carved in graceful folds. Three ornamental flowers painted on her stomach might reflect the Popular Religion myth that when Mazu’s mother was pregnant, she prayed for a daughter as she already had six sons. In a dream Guanyin gave her a flower blossom to wear, and the next day Mazu was born.

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  • Sale!

    Antique Home Altar With Panel of Guanyin on Hǒu, China #19433

    Original price was: $585.00.Current price is: $435.00.
    H: 9″  W: 18.5″  D:5.8″  |  CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL VANISHINGARTS213@GMAIL.COM FOR SHIPPING.

    As a wish for a prosperous and healthy family with many sons, this small table elegant probably was in a young couple’s bedroom to hold small personal statues and store precious items. Guanyin sits a hǒu holding lotuses in the right panel and the left has fertility symbols rats with melons.  It is perfect for creating a personal home altar and a unique wedding gift.

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  • Sale!

    Antique Kitchen God and His Wife 16850D-BME

    Original price was: $695.00.Current price is: $450.00.
    H: 7.25 ”    W: 3 ”    D: 1.625 ”    |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This fine pair of the Kitchen God and his wife are mirror-images of each other seated on backless chairs with multi-sided pedestals and reflect the reverence and solemnity of their responsibility to live above the stove and protect the home. The original lacquer has darkened naturally over time and from exposure to candle and incense smoke leaving a soft patina. The cavity on the male has its original covering while the one on the female is missing, exposing contents inside – a  string tied around the script placed by a monk when it was consecrated. Kitchen Gods radiate warmth, especially when placed near the  stove and make unique house warming or wedding gifts and add positive chi to any household.

  • Antique Kitchen God and His Wife, China (16850H-BME) SPECIAL PRICE

    H: 7.75″  W: 3.25″  D: 2.375″ | free shipping within Continental U.S.!

    Finely detailed and carved from dense wood, this Kitchen God and his Wife monitor the members of the home from their perch above the stove. On Chinese New Year Zao Shen reports to the Jade Emperor in Heaven and a positive report bringsblessings and good fortune, while and unfavorable one brings misfortune. Family members often smear honey on his mouth to sweeten the report.  Near mirror images they wear layered gold officials’ robes with decorative sashes and symbolically hold a hu tablet. They are in excellent condition and add positive chi and enhance feng shui. Kitchen Gods especially pairs are now rare and very collectible and make unique wedding and house gifts.


  • Sale!

    Antique Kitchen God and his Wife, China #16850E-BME

    Original price was: $695.00.Current price is: $475.00.
    H: 7.75 ”    W: 2.875  ”    D: 1.875 ”    |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This husband and wife Kitchen Gods are near mirror images with similar layered gold officials’ robes clasped hands covered in ritual cloth. They portray house gods whose future of families are in their hands. They are in excellent condition with fine patinas and both have been consecrated with the consecration script remaining in the wife’s cavity but not in the male’s cavity.

  • Antique Lacquered Wood r Hooded Monk (Lohan), China (16098BSK) $695


    Early Chinese Mahayana images portrayed Lohans as followers of the Buddha, living in the human world in human forms .Through their spirituality and asceticism they achieved enlightenment and were no longer subject to rebirths but choose to not enter nirvana and remain as guardians to preserve Buddhist teachings, protect the Buddhist faith and lead others…

  • Sale!

    Antique Large Guanyin on Lotus Throne, China #16211RKE

    Original price was: $4,750.00.Current price is: $3,300.00.
    H: 31.75″  W: 11.25″   D: 6.5   |  CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING.

    In this Pure Land large provincial carving Guanyin is more human and humble than idealized. The center lobe of this splendid oversized crown with gold has a deeply carved rustic Amitabha Buddha on a lotus surrounded by a pointed aureole. She is less formal with bright colored peasant garments, a relaxed laitsana pose with both legs relaxed and bent, bare feet dangling above the pedestal and her less formal teaching hand position. Quite unusual, it is a charming, innocent portrayal of a spiritual  subject.

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