Accessories & Furniture

Showing 181–192 of 201 results

  • Vintage Mask of a Strong King’s Minister, Bali (1301-17NBE) $125


    There are two traditional Balinese masks of the king’s prime minister (topeng patih). Both are refined, well-bred warriors from the second caste holding a prestigious position, and, like all dance masks, they are accompanied by a gamelan. This mask is a patih keras (strong minister) which is usually red or orange symbolizing a tough, intense…

  • Vintage Mask of a Strong Minister (Topeng Keras), Bali (1301-4FBE) $125


    Court ministers (patih) in Bali, Indonesia are danced in mask (topeng) performances named Topeng Panjegan where a single dancer interprets 5 legendary characters wearing full face masks, cannot speak and much portray them only through gestures and body language and positions. Patih manis (literally sweet, a good natured, diplomatic minister) is often the first solo…

  • Vintage Mask of Minister Kebo Taruna, Bali (1301-11QBE) $125


    This is Kebo Taruna mask a powerful historical Balinese minister (patih) from the 14th century. Considered a folk-art, Hindu-cultural-and-ritual-art, ethnic art and offerings to the gods, masks are danced in a historical drama with the music of a percussion orchestra (gamelan). Balinese-masks are carved using a light durable wood called pulai that enhances pigments and…

  • Vintage Miniature Hsun Ok Offering Vessel, Burma/Myanmar (6219EHC) SPECIAL PRICE


    Made in Pagan this miniature hsun ok demonstrates the remarkable sense of design of Burmese wood carvers. It is crafted in two separate parts and replicates the shape of larger hsun-Ok, which traditionally have covers with spired lids topped by elegant finials that imitate the soaring outline of Burmese stupa finials. This modest piece has circular tiers repeated on the foot and the stupa finial top.

  • Vintage Panel of a Court Dancer, Burma/Myanmar (T052A-BLE) $335


    Traditional Burmese dance has its roots in folk religion and is a combination of ancient animism, nat worship and a later syncretic blend with Buddhism. Ethnic minorities often perform dances that include warriors , Zawgyi (shaman) and nats wielding swords or holding drums while dressed in full-body costumes. Burmese performances were regulated with limitations on…

  • Vintage Panel of a Female Farmer with a Basket, Myanmar/Burma (T052B-BLE) $335


    Burmese women always have taken part in demanding strenuous work, but they rarely see themselves as farmers. This is because of Burma’s old patriarchal culture, narrow Burmese laws and social limitations of rural beliefs that define them as workers who labor for men: their father, brother or husband. This wonderful painted folk-art wood panel of…

  • Vintage Panel of a Female Farmer,Burma/Myanmar (T052C-BLE) $335


    Burmese women always did strenuous work, yet they rarely see themselves as farmers. This is due to Burma’s old patriarchal culture, Burmese laws and narrow rural beliefs defining them as workers laboring for men only: their father, brother or husband. This wonderful painted wood panel of a barefoot female farmer depicts her with the long…

  • Vintage Porcelain Elegant Lady with Rose, Chinese Republic (17036JRK) $240

    Ht: 9.75″  W: 3.5″  D: 2.5″  |   FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S. !

    This Chinese Republic Period delicate porcelain figurine holds a rose at her heart in her right snow white hand, her left arm covered by her shawl resting on a waist-high decorative vase with an opening to hold incense (joss) sticks. Her shawl drapes over her shoulders and lower garment with floral motifs extending to the beaded belt at her waist. The sweet facial expression with slightly smiling bowed lips is framed by her piled hair looped in a chignon over each ear. Given her luxurious garments and accessories, she is an aristocratic woman. The rose was often used on porcelains  during this period, representing eternal spring.

  • Vintage Rice Spoon with Bird Handle, Indonesia, Lombok (1229MAE) $115


    This vintage Indonesian rice paddle/spoon was crafted from local wood by a Lombok craftsman and is a fine example of the cultural art of the Sasak people who number three million and comprise about 80% of its population. As animism farmers for two millennia, they lived in houses surrounding religious compounds where they held religious…

  • Sale!

    Vintage Shell Ear Cover, Human Figure, India 1639A-GKE

    Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $195.00.
    H: 4.6″    W:2.5 ”    D: 2.12 ”    |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    Made by the Naga, a collection of tribal ethnic groups in India with a similar culture including a headhunting tradition in its past, conch shell ear covers are worn by men and attached to pierced ears through a hole in the shell. They are often decorated stippled abstract images of  standing human figures with raised arms and hands and spread fingers Mounted on a lucite base, they are an interesting example of unique cultural art,.

  • Sale!

    Vintage Shell Ear Cover, Male Figure, India #1639B-GKE

    Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $195.00.
    H: 4.6″    W:2.5 ”    D: 2.12 ”    |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    Made by the Naga, a collection of tribal ethnic groups in India with a similar culture including a headhunting tradition in its past, conch shell ear covers are worn by men and attached to pierced ears through a hole in the shell. They are often decorated stippled abstract images of  standing human figures with raised arms and hands and spread fingers Mounted on a lucite base, they are an interesting example of unique cultural art,.

  • Sale!

    Vintage Shell Ear Covers Buffalo Design, India #1640EKE

    Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $195.00.
    H: 5.25″    W:3.75 ”    D: 2 ”    |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    Made by the Naga, a collection of tribal ethnic groups in India with a similar culture including a headhunting tradition in its past, conch shell ear covers are worn by men and attached to pierced ears through a hole in the shell. They are usually decorated stippled abstract images of curved buffalo horns with the buffalo’s neck and head inside the V-shaped horns. Mounted on a lucite base, they are an interesting example of unique cultural art,.

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