
Showing 49–60 of 63 results

  • Sale!

    Turkmen Kuchi Necklace, Vintage Pendant, Afghanistan #3032A FREE SHIPPING

    Original price was: $115.00.Current price is: $95.00.

    “<h6>Chain 19″”    |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!</h6>
    \nVintage Kuchi tribal coin silver pendants like this were worn as dress adornments by the nomadic Turkmen people of Afghanistan. The vintage center rectangular pendant contains inset red and blue glass in an ornate frame with dangles. They are suspended on a hand strung chain of elaborate vibrant bead work. It shows the fascination with stimulating the senses with vibrant infusions of color and clanging objects the remarkable workmanship of the Kuchi artistic traditions passed on for 3,000 years.”

  • Vintage Ethiopian Axum Coin Silver Coptic Cross (E306YBL) $110

    Ht: 3.25  W: 1.625″   | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This large and heavy vintage Axum cross is centered with a never-ending knot created by pierced geometric forms enhanced by etched lines.  The flared arms have modified rectangle that may represent the Ark of the Covenant. The knotted endless lines thwart malevolent beings from entering or reaching the wearer and conquer demons by trapping them.  Using the lost wax technique, it is a one-of-a-kind  pendant. The chain necklace is not included.

  • Vintage Ethiopian Coin Silver Axum Coptic Cross (E309YBL) $110


    This vintage Coptic Axum cross pendant has a circle on top with pierced cutouts and the body has extended arms ending in stylized rectangles with etched circles decorated with etched cross-hatching. The rectangles may represent the Ark of the Covenant. The stamped circles are “protective eyes” to deflect misfortune and avert the “evil eye.” Made using the lost wax technique, it is a one of a kind piece. The chain necklace is not included.

  • Vintage Ethiopian Coin Silver Coptic Cross (E307YBL) $110

    H: 2.625”  W: 1.75″ |     FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This extremely decorative and lyrical pendant is beautifully crafted with elegant symmetry and curved pleasing designs. The  tri-partite design depicts the Trinity. The three arms each have three-sided elaborate extensions, with etched circles that represents the eternal and everlasting love of God demonstrated in Christ’s Crucifixion as well as  “protective eye” symbols to bring blessings and repel evil forces and avert the “evil eye.”  The chain necklace is not included.

  • Vintage Ethiopian Coin Silver Coptic Cross with Birds (E303YBL) $115

    H:  2.375″    W:1.25 ”   | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This vintage  Coptic cross has several circles which represent God’s everlasting love,  Christ’s halo and his infinite love and resurrection.  They are  symbols with special powers that can bring blessings and repel evil forces and harm. The four stylized birds transform the cross into the Tree of Life and Knowledge , the True Cross, the beginning and end of time, and the unique lineage of the Ethiopian people to the biblical Queen of Sheba. Made of coin silver using the lost wax technique, it is a one-of-a-kind pendant with normal signs of wear. The chain necklace is not included.

  • Vintage Ethiopian Coptic Cross Pendant (E302YBL) $110


    Old Ethiopian crosses often included circles. The etched circle with radiating arms in the center of this cross from Axum spiritually represents eternity and Christ’s halo, his infinite love, and resurrection. Circles also are “protective eye” symbols like the eye circles etched at the end of the arms and on the sides. Made of coin silver using the lost wax technique, it is a one-of-a-kind Ethiopian cross pendant. The chain necklace is not included.

  • Vintage Ethiopian Coptic Cross with Birds (E301YBL) $115


    This large and heavy antique Ethiopian Cross is typical of the intricate and beautiful crosses associated with the Coptic Christian tradition in Ethiopia. The top is an etched circular section and the  bottom section is a tri-partite design depicting the Trinity. The four birds transform the Cross the Tree of Life, signifies the True Cross, the beginning and end of time and the unique lineage of the Ethiopian people to the biblical Queen of Sheba.The elaborate patterns decorate both sides of the cross which is in excellent condition. The chain is not included.

  • Vintage Ethiopian Cross with Lattice Work, Axum (E310YBL) $110


    This vintage Coptic Axum cross pendant has a circle on top with pierced cutouts and the body has extended arms ending in stylized rectangles with etched circles decorated with etched cross-hatching. The rectangles may represent the Ark of the Covenant. The stamped circles are “protective eyes” to deflect misfortune and avert the “evil eye.” Made using the lost wax technique, it is a one of a kind piece. The chain necklace is not included.

  • Vintage Ethiopian Cross with Lattice Work, Axum (E311YBL) $110


    This vintage Ethiopian cross pendant was hand crafted in Axum, known for its crosses with religious geometric shapes and symbols and apotropaic symbols to provide protection to the wearer. The center with cutouts and etched linear decorations simulates an “endless knot” to entangle malevolent spirits and the small incised circles on the arms are “protective eyes” that are believed to bring blessings, deflect misfortune and avert the “evil eye.”  The chain necklace is not included.

  • Vintage Ethiopian Cross with Stylized Birds (E312YBL) $115

    Ht: 2.375″  W: 1.625″   | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This vintage Ethiopian cross is typical of the intricate and lyrical designs of a Coptic Cross. Older Coptic Crosses often include circles as here it with circular shape with  pierced design on top as well as a circular image below it surrounding a latin cross. The four birds on the outer edge symbolically transform the Cross into the Tree of Knowledge and Life and also symbolize the Holy ghost.  A group of four doves represents peace.

  • Sale!

    Vintage Hmong Soul Lock Silver Pendant Necklace, Thailand #T215DHL

    Original price was: $325.00.Current price is: $295.00.
    Chain: 28″  Pendant H: 1.75 ”    W: 2.6″    D: .125″    |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This hand made Hmong “spirit lock” pendant amulet necklace was made with high-grade silver, worn as a protective talisman to “lock in” protective spirits. This trapezoid-shaped pendant is engraved with traditional Hmong motifs – dots, triangles, curved and lines within geometric sections, centered with two 4-leaf flowers and topped by spirals that may represent elephant trunks or coiled snakes. Talismans like this are worn as protective amulets soon after birth.


  • Sale!

    Vintage Shell Ear Cover, Human Figure, India 1639A-GKE

    Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $195.00.
    H: 4.6″    W:2.5 ”    D: 2.12 ”    |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    Made by the Naga, a collection of tribal ethnic groups in India with a similar culture including a headhunting tradition in its past, conch shell ear covers are worn by men and attached to pierced ears through a hole in the shell. They are often decorated stippled abstract images of  standing human figures with raised arms and hands and spread fingers Mounted on a lucite base, they are an interesting example of unique cultural art,.

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