Shakyamuni Buddha

There have been countless Buddhas, but Shakyamuni (also Sakyamuni) is the only historical Buddha who lived on earth, was the primary source of its doctrines, and spread the teaching of Buddhism (the dharma). He was born Siddhartha Gautama 560 BCE in a miraculous birth to Queen Maya and King Suddhodanna the rulers of Kapilavastu and spent 29 years living in a palace as a prince. Realizing that material wealth was not the ultimate goal in life, he ventured outside the palace and became an ascetic mendicant monk trying to find enlightenment through complete deprivation of worldly goods. Realizing that a life of deprivation was futile, he followed a different course, the Middle Way, a path of moderation between self-indulgence and extreme asceticism. He then sat in meditation under Bodhi tree in Bodhi Gaya and vowed to not rise until he had found the Truth. At age 35 after resisting temptations of the demon Mara and his armies, Siddhartha reached his right hand to touch the earth, and the earth spoke: “I bear you witness!” Mara disappeared and as the morning star rose Siddhartha Gautama realized enlightenment and became Shakyamuni Buddha, meaning “the sage of the Shakyas,” and spent the next 45 years living as a monk teaching the Dharma throughout India and formed the world’s first Monastic Order known as the Sangha. Shakyamuni and did not wish his mages to be produced and worshipped, so early portrayals were aniconic – represented using symbols. Early images appeared around the 2nd century CE.

Showing 1–12 of 14 results

  • Sale!

    Antique Buddha as an Infant on a Lion, China #19405DRK

    Original price was: $850.00.Current price is: $495.00.
    H: 9″  W: 3.625″  D: 3.5″ | FREE UPS SHIPPING!

    This rare carving of the infant Buddha with well defined features is clearly a provincial rendering that uniquely departs from traditional renderings. He holds a monk’s begging bowl as he points to the heavens and he stands on a lion’s head, as he is the lion of the Shakya clan. Given its small size, it was probably displayed on a home altar.

  • Antique Buddha in Earth Witnessing Posture, SE Asia, 19th Century(3160BEME) $6800


    This extraordinary carving is Shakyamuni Buddha in the Earth Witnessing hand position called Bhumisparsha. It is one of the four major events in his life – his Birth, Enlightenment, First Sermon and Death – which are most often portrayed in Southeast Asian Theravada Buddhism. His right hand symbolically reaches to touch the earth to call…

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  • Antique Carved Buddha in Freedom from Fear, Laos (3148LKE) $1275

    H: 20”  W: 3.75”  D: 3.75” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING

    This antique Lao Buddha stands in refined dignity displaying inner tranquility and strength, hands in abhaya mudra that connotes reassurance, divine protection, and dispelling fear and signifies Buddha’s spiritual power as he bestows protection from evil and ignorance and conveys “fear not” to devotees.  As typical of Lao Buddhas he is covered in gilt visually reflecting his golden skin and a finial or radiance as a flame emerging from atop his head. His  wet style Buddha robe that is smooth and graceful in its simplicity and adds elegance to the carving while showing his body underneath his clothing.

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  • Antique Carved Jambupati Buddha, Burma/Myanmar (3257VKHO)

    H: 26”  W: 10”  D: 5” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING QUOTE

    This rare, elegant, gilt covered Jambupati Buddha wears regal Burmese court attire with luxuriant jewelry and huge decorative flanges surrounding his multi-layered elaborate faceted crown  topped by an elongated ushnisha. Seated on a high ornate multi-tiered waisted throne in Earth Witnessing position, he looks directly at onlookers with strength and a sweet smile to emphasize his spiritual and material power.

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  • Antique Jeweled Buddha Jambupati, Burma/Myanmar (3286DOSE)

    H: 25.5” W: 9.75” D: 5” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING quote or email [email protected]

    This elegant Jambupati Buddha is seated in lavish gilt court attire in  Earth Witnessing mudra, one hand in his lap and one reaching over to touch the earth. Dazzling gilt covers his body, elaborate crown with butterfly flanges and his kingly garment that is “bejeweled” with  multi- colored cut glass inset  pieces. His multi-tiered throne emphasizes his royal status. He looks directly at onlookers with confidence and a slight smile to emphasize his spiritual and material power.

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  • Sale!

    Antique Lacquered Wood Infant Buddha at Birth. China 3198CSK

    Original price was: $985.00.Current price is: $650.00.
    H: 17.5 W: 6” D: 5” | FOR SHIPPING INFORMATION Call  213-568-3030 or email [email protected]

    Given that this image of the infant Buddha is missing both arms it is remarkable that it is remains a powerful yet charming sculpture. Created by a skilled rural artisan from one dense piece of wood, this rare statue of the the young Buddha is a humble child in a relaxed and confident stance with a youthful torso, a round head, bent legs, wearing a modest waist-cloth and standing on a small plain round base.

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  • Sale!

    Antique Large Buddha in Teaching Mudra, China (17013BREM) CALL FOR PRICE

    Original price was: $4,500.00.Current price is: $2,959.00.
    H: 30″  W: 18″  D: 10″ | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING AND PRICE INFORMATION

    This superb, colorful and rare carved Buddha is seated in vitarka-mudra, the teaching hand position. His delicately carved calm face has a benevolent and compassionate expression with a slight reassuring smile. The elegant body appears to float above deeply carved swirls reminiscent of clouds. Fine facial features, the graceful body and exquisitely carved and painted drapery make this a truly impressive and striking image. Given its size and masterful carving , it should hold a place and be revered commensurate with its spirituality and artistry.

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  • Antique Repoussé Earth Witnessing Buddha, Tibetan (0001LEM) $595


    This Tibetan Repoussé image presents various symbols of the Enlightenment of the Shakyamuni-Buddha. He sits within a trefoil arch on a lotus base  (padmapitha) under the bodhi tree in bhumisparsha mudra (earth witnessing or hand touching position) symbolizing the moment of his enlightenment legs bent in (padmasana). The detailed trefoil arch surrounding the Buddha’s head…

  • Antique/Vintage Bronze Earth Witnessing Buddha, Burma/Myanmar (3553BLEM) $2575

    H: 22”  W: 17”  D: 11” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING

    This finely and delicately modeled vintage Burmese bronze Buddha Shakyamuni in the Earth Witnessing mudra displays many characteristics typical of the Burmese Mandalay style. His soft youthfully sweet face with slightly smiling lips is framed by a filet headband, snail like hair locks, and almond-shaped eyes are inlaid with glass. Made in the 20th century with the lost wax process in which the mold is destroyed, this piece is a one-of-a-kind exquisite work of art in excellent condition.

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  • Sale!

    Ming Wood Shakyamuni Buddha on Lotus Pedestal, China #16529B-BEME

    Original price was: $2,900.00.Current price is: $2,100.00.
    H: 18.75:  W: 9.75”  D: 9” | Call us AT 213-568-3030 fOR SHIPPING and price information

    This magnificent and rare Ming Dynasty Buddha is covered with dark lacquer and indications of the vibrant gold and red pigmentation that once enhanced this image. His beautiful face radiates serenity with its benign expression as he sits in meditation on an elaborate lotus throne.  Made to be viewed on all sides his three part monk’s robe extends with flowing sleeves over his feet and down his back. In excellent condition with minor paint losses, this rare masterpiece would enhance any environment with its spiritual energy and beauty.

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  • Rare Antique Infant Buddha , China (16488BKE) $650

    H: 17” W: 5” D: 5” | FOR SHIPPING quote CONTACT US AT 213-568-3030 or email [email protected]

    This rare wood carving of the Buddha as an infant is remarkable because of the way it has survived. As with many antique Chinese wood carvings, there is extensive deterioration from age/insect damage. Although there is total loss to the arms, legs and torso, it is virtually untouched from the neck up.  This is a piece for lovers of wood, with the body worn to a delicately smooth but irregular surface. It is probably more striking than original piece, as its erosion shows the random miracle of chance and is highlighted on a frosted acrylic base.

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  • SOLD Antique Ming/Qing Wood Shakyamuni Buddha in Meditation, China (16089BMEM)

    H: 14”  W: 9.375”  D: 7.25” | FOR SHIPPING INFORMATION CONTACT US AT 213-568-3030

    This fine rare Ming/Qing carving depicts Shakyamuni Buddha in meditation is made from fine dense wood with much of its iridescent pigmentation. He is masterfully carved with a serene, benevolent and pensive expression wearing plain but elegantly carved monks robes. This spiritual piece is a small yet very powerful image.

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