Carvings & Sculpture

Showing 61–72 of 223 results

  • Sale!

    Antique Large Guanyin on Lotus Throne, China #16211RKE

    Original price was: $4,750.00.Current price is: $3,300.00.
    H: 31.75″  W: 11.25″   D: 6.5   |  CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING.

    In this Pure Land large provincial carving Guanyin is more human and humble than idealized. The center lobe of this splendid oversized crown with gold has a deeply carved rustic Amitabha Buddha on a lotus surrounded by a pointed aureole. She is less formal with bright colored peasant garments, a relaxed laitsana pose with both legs relaxed and bent, bare feet dangling above the pedestal and her less formal teaching hand position. Quite unusual, it is a charming, innocent portrayal of a spiritual  subject.

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  • Antique Lion (Chinthe) Ox Cart Ornament, Burma/Myanmar (11306FSE) $325

    H: 14.5”  W: 17.75”  D: 3.375” | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    Finely carved figures were attached to ox cart yokes to protect farmers from malevolent spirits who inhabited all seen/unseen sectors of their world. . This beautifully carved ox cart yolk image is a chinthe, a mythical Burmese lion/dragon creature commonly decorating many everyday items. A propitious spiritual and protective guardian, the animalsymbolizes power, courage, and strength. This carving displays the common traits of a lions with a long face, large eyes, a long sharp nose, a lion-like beard, and a flame-like shape on the top of his head. Masterfully carved with careful attention to details, see the deeply incised hairs that cover his body. The 2-part piece is held together with a wooden plug. Though for daily use, Burmese craftsmen created beautiful objects and finished them with the best materials they could afford.

  • Antique Majapahit Miniature Terracotta Head, Indonesia, Java (1138EHA) $195 sia (1138EHA) $195


    This terracotta head was crafted during the Majapahit Empire in Java and was either part of a Hindu bas-relief frieze or made as a freestanding figurine. Most figures found are small decapitated heads with no bodies, and it is very rare to find a complete figure with a naturalistic facial expression. As with many heads, this one displays Javanese facial features, hairstyles and ear ornamentation typical of the period. It has a naturalistic facial expression and wears large round coiled earrings, possibly suggesting it represented someone of the upper classes. It is in very good condition given its age and use and is mounted on a metal stand. This items pairs with Majapahit Terracotta Head 1137.

  • Antique Mandarin Ancestor Figure, China (16479BLK) SPECIAL PRICE


    Designation as civilian Mandarin officials was so significant that families fervently sought to perpetuate this image through generations in carved and painted ancestral renderings, especially ancestor-figures. This civilian official sits in the traditional official’s pose with arms on short armrests in an an ornately carved high back chair,  curved backrest, tall legs and vertical slats…

  • Sale!

    Antique Mandarin Ancestor In Horseshoe Chair, China #19054BOK

    Original price was: $850.00.Current price is: $695.00.
    H: 12.75” W: 6.625” D: 5.75” | FREE SHIPPING within Continental u.s.

    This masterfully carved ancestor as a mandarin official sits on horseshoe chair set on a footed high decorated plinth dressed in a well-appointed formal 3-button Mandarin long coat and pointed rattan hat. His face is uniquely and unusually individualized with heavy lidded eyes, in a benevolent expression and his advanced aged indicated by the wrinkles clearly depicting a loved individual. This exquisitely carved image in excellent condition with a fine patina was true homage to a revered family member and is one of our finest ancestor figures.

  • Sale!

    Antique Mandarin Ancestor on Horseshoe Chair, China #18061BEM

    Original price was: $455.00.Current price is: $295.00.
    H:8.5 ”    W: 4 ”    D: 3.3 ”    |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    Portrayed as an official, this ancestor figure sits on a horseshoe chair showing his status wearing compulsory officials attire:  a 5-button Mandarin long coat with a round collar and official headwear – a woven hat whose shape and color reflected his rank. His personalized  personalized oval-shaped is tranquil with a hint of a smile on his pursed lips, and a triangular pigtail down his back.

  • Antique Mandarin Official Ancestor Figure, China (16433JSK) $595


    During the Qing Dynasty, reverence for Mandarin officials and their associated high status with it was so significant that families sought to perpetuate this image through the generations in carved and painted renderings of their ancestors. Ancestor-figures were the highest form of filial piety, and ancestor-worship was a cornerstone of Confucianism. Stuart (p. 82) states…

  • Sale!

    Antique Massive Lacquered Guanyin in Vitarka, China #5689SEME

    Original price was: $12,000.00.Current price is: $7,500.00.
    H: 42”  W: 25”  D: 27.5” | FOR SHIPPING Call 213-568-3030 or email [email protected]

    This powerful, exquisite and rare almost life-size Guanyin seated in teaching mudra to spread the dharma, radiates serene spiritual energy. To optimally enjoy this statue, she should be placed in an elevated position as it was modeled to be viewed from below. Magnificently carved and covered with lacquer, this statue will fill any environment with meditative tranquility.  Authentic Buddhist carved images of this size, beauty, quality, and shape are very difficult to find, especially after China’s modernization.


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  • Sale!

    Antique Mazu Empress of Heaven in Horseshoe Chair, China #6003

    Original price was: $1,050.00.Current price is: $750.00.
    H: 15.375” W: 8.625” D: 7.5” | FOR a  SHIPPING quote CONTACT US AT 213-568-3030 or email [email protected]

    This Mazu, the protector of sea farers, is portrayed as the imperially sanctioned “Empress of Heaven” seated on an elaborate horseshoe shaped dragon throne, hands clasped symbolically holding a hu tablet, adorned with elegant dragon robes, an official’s girdle, a flat-topped Empress headdress and small feet resting on a pair of gilt fu lions. Meant to be seen from all sides this beautiful carving is decorated on front and back.

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  • Antique Ming Attendant with Zodiac Animal, China (1155BCK)


    In China a set of earthenware Zodiac attendant figures was made as a 12 piece grouping, with each figure holding a small calendar animal with each year represented by a different animal – rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig or boar – in a repeating 12-year cycle. Although…

  • Sale!

    Antique Ming Songzi Guanyin, Bestower of Children, China #16057BAK

    Original price was: $1,350.00.Current price is: $1,100.00.
    H: 11”  W: 5.75”  D: 5.125” | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This very rare and fine 16th century home shrine image displays the benign and compassionate countenance of Songzi Guanyin the “Bestower of Children.”  With round face and joyful half-closed and eyes, she looks lovingly at the child whose arm is draped over hers.and leans slightly forward,  wearing a 5- lobed crown centered with a camellia flower a Chinese symbol of young sons and daughters. The inscription on the back dates the piece to 1521-1567

  • Antique Miniature Pair of Carved Tigers, China (16075BME) $250


    This stylized pair of folk art tigers covered with lacquer and highlighted with black pigment was likely part of a larger item, as there are indentations on top to insert vertical extensions. The tiger is one of many ancient mythical animals, and as the mount of the Taoist god Heavenly Master Zhang Tianshi tiger images,…

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