Home Altar

In many world religions, home altars are spiritual tables on which sacred images, symbols or texts are placed and honored with offerings made for venerating deities and/or ancestors by family members that generally include light from candles or lamps, incense, flowers, food, and water. In Buddhism, home altars are physical spaces that support spiritual practice, encourage devotees to attain enlightenment and show gratitude to the Buddha for showing the way to enlightenment. Buddha and Buddhist deity statues and other spiritual symbols remind devotees of the qualities of Buddha’s wisdom and compassion and serve to inspire devotees to develop these qualities as they recall Buddha’s teachings.

Chinese Taoist and Popular Religion family home altars or shrines (Kam or Kung) honor ancestors, attract blessings and avert malevolent forces and influences. Ancestor worship is a family affair to communicate with and provide greetings and support to the deceased, engage in prayer, display filial piety and make offerings to ancestor statues and/or tablets. Taoist, Popular Religion and Buddhist deities maybe placed along with images of Taoist and Buddhist priests, deified local heroes and legends. Home altar statues are blessed in an eye-opening consecration ceremony performed by a Taoist or Buddhist priest or monk to imbue with them with chi and give them life. Offerings of candles, incense and foods are placed to attract blessings of fu which they augmented by placing furniture in certain locations and using propitious colors (red and gold attracts the most fu).

In Hinduism, the home altar is the most important part of a household where all family actions and decisions are made, special events are celebrated, and members gather to perform daily prayers (puja) to show reverence and devotion through prayer, supplication, songs, ceremonial worship and rituals. Hindu statues, images of deities who protect the family and engender good fortune, are placed there along with other ritual items of devotion.

Home altars are now viewed as spiritual, and often meditational spaces to celebrate one’s family. Along with spiritual icons or statues, they include photos of loved ones, well-loved mementos or trinkets, hand-written notes, or letters. Additional spiritual elements include candles, crystals, or incense.

Showing 1–12 of 89 results

  • Sale!

    Antique Ancestor Figure in Official’s Attire, China #16752

    Original price was: $2,285.00.Current price is: $1,700.00.
    H: 34″  W: 11.25″  D: 7.25″ | CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING

    Although this wonderfully carved antique figure portrays an ancestor depicted as an official, his atypically benevolent and finely modeled face makes him a very endearing figure. Old and weathering from age in its rear, this piece was repainted probably in the 20th century, as was periodically done with old figures with losses, especially due to seasonal South China climate. With his individualized convincing features, he is a very relatable rather than authoritarian figure, possibly resulting from the affection of the family that commissioned it. This beautiful and vibrant carving would enhance any setting.

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  • Sale!

    Antique Ancestor Official in Ornate Robe with Raised Lacquer Designs #5686BREM

    Original price was: $4,950.00.Current price is: $4,200.00.
    H: 23.5″  W: 15.625″  D: 10″ |CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING COST

    This exceptional Qing carving portrays a seated official ancestor wearing traditional official’s attire, a red and black official’s hat and black boots. His inset glass eyes and high cheekbones frame a large curved nose, a strong projecting chin and forehead wrinkles indicating a man of importance with the wisdom of age who demands respect. The top two robe layers have wide borders with marvelous raised lacquer decorations that include beautiful cloud forms, flying phoenixes with spread wings and floral sprays.

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  • Antique Attendant Sword Bearer to Guandi, God of War, China (16112LSE)


    Guandi lived during the latter part of the Han Dynasty and is the best known and most revered Chinese military historical hero. He was canonized in 1504 as Guan Di, the Taoist God of War and China’s Protector. According to Keith Stevens, he is “all things to all men, not only prayed to for protection…

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  • Sale!

    Antique Attendant to Guandi, Taoist God of War, China #16022LSE

    Original price was: $695.00.Current price is: $395.00.
    H: 16.25:  W: 5.875”  D: 3.5” | FOR SHIPPING INFORMATION CONTACT US AT 213-568-3030

    This fine woodcarving is Chou Ts’ang, the aide-de-camp and attendant to Guandi, the most revered and well-known military hero in Chinese history and the Taoist God of War.  As an attendant his hands held together and eyes down cast in respect and legs firmly planted on the ground. His protective military clothing and heavy boots presented in detail and the high red and black pedestal with painted gold florals make him a key figure even though the figure of Guandi he attends would have been much larger and important.

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  • Antique Attendant with Celestial Scarf, China (16726HKE) $2450


    Attendant figures are usually presented on an altar in pairs flanking revered figure they honor. This lovely carving is an enlightened being indicated by her pendulous ears, an elevated flowing ribbon, and blissful smile. She traditionally carries offerings which might be  food, fruit, medicine, or other unique items. Her extremely pleasing face highlights her modesty as…

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  • Antique Attendant with Marriage Inscription, China (16260ZOK) SPECIAL PRICE


    This sweet diminutive  antique-Chinese-wood-carving of an enlightened Buddhist attendant on a double lotus base that was commissioned by the proud father to celebrate and bless a marriage as indicated by the inscription on the rear 陈门李氏双全 that indicates that it belonged to the Lee family. Although its meaning is not entirely clear, it appears to…

  • Antique Attendant with Offering, China (16424A-BLE) SPECIAL PRICE

    H: 15.5″. W: 5.5″. D: 4.24″  | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    Attendants like this often accompanied Taoist figures on home altars, along with other deities and spiritual images. They frequently presented offerings to them which, when tied with ribbons, symbolized “ longevity for generations”. This 18-19th century carving may have accompanied a significant deity as the statue was covered in gilt and lacquer, some which has  naturally darkened from age and from years of incense, age and use.

  • Antique Brass Nandi, India (9509B-GAH) $155


    Nandi is among the most frequent Hindu deities worshiped in public places, temples, homes, or on a home altar throughout India.  As one of Hinduism’s mythical animals, Nandi is Shiva’s vahana, (his mount that transports him), attendant and leader of his attendants and guardian of all four-footed animals. A recumbent image of Nandi on a…

  • Sale!

    Antique Brass Vishnu Oil Lamp (Diya), India #(9571B-PAH

    Original price was: $165.00.Current price is: $135.00.

    Metal oil lamps (diyas) made for deities in Hinduism are recognized by distinct designs, symbols or figures which identify specific deities to  devotees wish to offer their prayers used in homes and temples for daily prayers (puja). This heavy brass antique votive from India is a Vishnu diya with a shallow yoni shaped cup, short…

  • Sale!

    Antique Bronze/Brass Nandi, South India #9510VHE

    Original price was: $395.00.Current price is: $275.00.
    H: 3.25”  W: 1.375”  D: 2.5” | FREE SHIPPING

    This small antique brass Nandi is exquisitely handcrafted with a wonderfully aged patina. He sits recumbent on a raised rectangular platform. Delicately incised with decorative details delineating the head, neck, snout and body, his right leg and tail are sinuous, graceful ornaments rather than defining features. His head is at a 45-degree with lyrically curved horns in contrast to most versions with horns extending backwards. This Nandi is based on a South Indian cow whose humpback is emphasized here by two parallel lines covering it as if is part of a saddle or another ornament feature.

  • Antique Carved Buddha in Freedom from Fear, Laos (3148LKE) $1275

    H: 20”  W: 3.75”  D: 3.75” | CALL 213-568-3030 FOR SHIPPING

    This antique Lao Buddha stands in refined dignity displaying inner tranquility and strength, hands in abhaya mudra that connotes reassurance, divine protection, and dispelling fear and signifies Buddha’s spiritual power as he bestows protection from evil and ignorance and conveys “fear not” to devotees.  As typical of Lao Buddhas he is covered in gilt visually reflecting his golden skin and a finial or radiance as a flame emerging from atop his head. His  wet style Buddha robe that is smooth and graceful in its simplicity and adds elegance to the carving while showing his body underneath his clothing.

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  • Sale!

    Antique Carved Standing Ancestor Official, China #18017ESK

    Original price was: $425.00.Current price is: $250.00.
    Ht: 8.25″  W: 3″  D: 2.125″ | FREE SHIPPING IN CONTINENTAL US!

    Dressed in a red robe with a high neck collar, extremely wide sleeves extending below the knees and a belt around his waist, this ancestor figure portrayed as a civilian official standing on a rectangular base with hands together wearing a long civil official’s robe that extends to his shoes but has no rank badge indicated.

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