Deities & Legends

Showing 37–48 of 63 results

  • Sale!

    Antique Wood Nanhai Guanyin of the South Sea, China #19508BME

    Original price was: $595.00.Current price is: $395.00.
    H: 9.75″ W: 5″ D: 4.5″ | FREE SHIPPING within continental u.s.!

    This enchanting carving depicts Nanhai Guanyin in her Cave on Mount Putuo seated in lalitsana, below a symbolic arch of draped moss with bright pigmentation and considerable gilt. Nanhai Guanyin was massively popular during the Ming/Qing dynasties and provincial wood images were made home altars throughout China. She holds scrolls representing the dharma and sutras, behind her is a vial with the tears of her humanity and parrot, her constant companion. Small Nanhai images with all these symbols in this  condition are very rare.

  • Sale!

    Antique Wood Zhenwu the Taoist “Perfected Warrior,” China #19416XLKE

    Original price was: $1,250.00.Current price is: $625.00.
    H: 15.25″  W: 6.75″  D: 6.75″ |CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING

    Zhenwu (Perfected Warrior) is one of the most important and powerful Taoist deities, god of one of the 4 cardinal directions (the north) revered for his potent magical powers to suppress demonic forces. This provincial image for personal devotion and reflects his classic iconography: seated on a throne, bare feet resting on a snake and a tortoise, a celestial scarf and maille armor. Intricately carved he has a powerful presence.

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  • Antique Wood Zhenwu, The Taoist “Perfected Warrior” China (19066B) ME) $575


    Zhenwu (aka Xuanwu, Wuandi and Zhenwudadi) is one of the most revered Chinese Taoist figures, venerated for his ability to heal as well as to protect his country and the emperor. There are various depictions of his attire, but here he wears a plain black robe with an official’s belt which he holds in his…

  • Sale!

    Antique Zhenwu, The Taoist “Perfected Warrior,” China #16097BME

    Original price was: $595.00.Current price is: $395.00.
    H: 12″    W:5.6 ” D:4″    |  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    Zhenwu, the True Warrior, Perfected Warrior or Northern Emperor was one of the most popular TaoistDeities in the Ming and Qing dynasties known as protector of the state and the imperial family. His feet here rest on a pedestal over a turtle with a lifted head and a snake curled around his shell. Among the many interpretations this  represent beings over whom he presided including both celestial officers under his command, [and] former demons that were conquered by him. This is a fascinating carving symbolizes trusted strength. and power.

  • Antique/Vintage Brass Nandi Figurine, India (9509A-GAH) $245


    Nandi is among the most frequent Hindu deities worshiped in public places, temples, homes, or on a home altar throughout India.  As one of Hinduism’s mythical animals, Nandi is Shiva’s vahana, (his mount that transports him), attendant and leader of his attendants and guardian of all four-footed animals. A recumbent image of Nandi on a…

  • Antique/Vintage Carved House Deity, China (7507QOK) $295


    While major deities such as Guandi were officially sanctioned by government and religious authorities, many popular deities and historic figures were integrated into Popular Religion beliefs where they were assimilated and greatly modified with local traditions and iconographic depictions such as this. We assume this is Guandi, one of the most revered Chinese deities based…

  • Antique/Vintage Earth God Tudi Gong with Wife, China (16342LOE) $785


    These carvings of the Taoist-Deities Tudi Gong and his wife Tudi Po are from rural Southern China where they were frequently depicted together as house-gods on a home altar or local temple for farmers to pray to for abundant harvests and success in selling their products. Although Tudi Gong is a low ranking deity, he…

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  • Sale!

    Antique/Vintage Framed Glass Painting of a Peacock, India #3983MCE

    Original price was: $395.00.Current price is: $325.00.
    H: 16″  W: 13 ” D:  1″ | CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING

    This glass painting of a peacock was one of a pair of inset panels along with Krishna Playing his Flute (3982) in a highly decorative piece inset in antique Indian cabinet or chest. Beautifully painted with reflective silver accents it is a vibrant and remarkable wall hanging.  As both panels were originally displayed together, we recommend they be kept as a pair. Peacocks, the national bird of India, are an integral part of Hindu and Indian art and culture depicted in spiritual and decorative art.

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  • Sale!

    Antique/Vintage Framed Glass Painting of Krishna Playing his Flute, India #3982MCE

    Original price was: $395.00.Current price is: $325.00.
    H: 16″ W: 13″ D: 1″ | |  CALL 213-568-3030 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR SHIPPING

    This vibrant glass painting of Krishna along with the panel of a Peacock (3983MCE) were insets in a highly decorated Indian wood cabinet or chest. Krishna is one of the most popular Hindu deities, beautifully depicted here in a bright yellow dhoti, peacock feather crown, and jewels in serenading his adoring gopis with his engaging flute. The unique frame complements the painting’s richness and vintage feel.

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  • Antique/Vintage Jetayu Mask, Museum Quality Stand, Bali (1208BEK) SPECIAL PRICE


    This exceptional polychrome mask (topeng in Java, tapel in Bali) of Jatayu blends Balinese ethnic and folk-art with Hindu cultural traditions. Indonesia was part of the larger Hindu Majapahit Empire (1293-1527), is now a Muslim majority but Bali remains mostly Hindu. Balinese masks are often made from a single piece of local pulai wood whose…

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  • Antique/Vintage Mask of Comical Character (Topeng Bondres), Bali (1266WCE) $395


    Balinese masks (tapel in Balinese, topeng in Java), are said to have existed since the 10th century and often are danced in sacred Hindu stories with important moral, ethical, historical and philosophical ideas, This is especially true as many come from ancient Hindu texts like ancient epics the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Babad Dalem, the…

  • Antique/Vintage Porcelain Taoist Immortal Lu Dongbin, Chinese Republic (17034GRK) $295

    Ht: 9.75” W: 3.5” D: 3.5” | FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CONTINENTAL U.S.!

    This colorful Chinese Republic porcelain is the most popular of the Eight Immortals Lu Dongbin, who symbolizes immortality and long life. Dressed as a scholar, his beard is pushed to the side as he is in motion riding waves to show his magical powers. He holds a fly whisk which, along with the sword he often carries, are personal auspicious symbols. The most colorful of the immortals, he is worshipped by for his medical prowess and by scholars in homes and temples.

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